Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just One More, Before I Fall Asleep

Dietrich is 3 and 1/6 years old and asks about as many questions every minute (which is normal, as I understand). Most are "why" questions or variations thereof but, sometimes, the combination of the oddity of the question and the oddity of the timing results in some pretty memorable queries, revealing the unique inner-workings of the young mind. Either that, or the kid is doing everything he can think of to keep from going to sleep. Here's our exchange when I stooped down to kiss D's forehead and started his lullaby CD for the second time tonight ...

Dietrich: Daddy, why you have a nose?

Me: Why do I have a nose? Everybody has a nose.

Dietrich: But not spiders?

Me: Uh, no, spiders don't have noses like people, they have a different kind of nose.

Dietrich: And not other bugs?

Me: Good night, Dietrich. Go to sleep.


eric O said...

Just in case anyone was wondering, spiders have tiny hairs on their legs and scientists think that those hairs serve as their "smelling mechanism." Josie checked it out after D posed the question.

auntieJ said...

I was wondering.Bless Josie. I remember all the why questions...really keeps you on yout toes. Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

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